Creating Thriving Leaders,
Connected Teams,
And Positive Cultures.

We are a C-Suite coaching firm that uses evidence-based methodologies in positive psychology, connecting the dots between leadership and wellbeing.
leadership development firm

Our promise is to create thriving leaders, connected and cohesive teams, and positive organizational cultures.

our foundation


From the leader to the team to the organization, we create a connection that builds workplace culture. Connection creates visionary leaders, synergistic teams and organizations that impact positive change.


Through coaching leadership founded in the science of positive psychology and well-being, leaders will thrive mentally, physically, and emotionally, live with vitality, and perform at their absolute best. We help leaders, teams and organizations operate with vitality, influencing positive change and organizational transformation.


We develop leaders, teams and organizations that operate from a shared sense of humanity. This allows shared purpose, understanding, and long-term vision. Humanity in the workplace leverages vulnerability and authenticity, creating safety and trust between individuals, teams, and leadership.

Our Research Institute

The Lov Center

Bridging the gap between academic research and the business world by leveraging the expertise of top researchers and scientists to educate organizations and create custom vitality leadership programs for leaders, teams and organizations by collecting, analyzing, measuring, and evaluating data.

connected ec


Explore our vast collection of publications, news and articles, videos, and more.

meet the team

A team of experienced executive coaches and organizational psychologists that are leading experts in leadership and wellbeing.